Dr. David G. Javitch


Dr. David G. Javitch is an organizational psychologist, leadership specialist, and President of Javitch Associates in Newton, Mass. Author of How to Achieve Power in Your Life, Javitch is in demand as a consultant for his skills in assessment, coaching, training and facilitating groups and retreats.

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How to Get Employees to Generate Great Ideas

Seek team members' honest feedback and watch your business thrive.


Changing Trends: Rethinking Telecommuting?

Returning to a "core time" mandate could resolve some of the problems created by flexible schedules and remote employees.


Helping Employees Beat the End-of-Summer Blues

10 ways to deal with mid-year burnout and revitalize your team


7 Steps to Defuse Workplace Tension

Don't let unresolved conflict poison your office.


How to Survive Employee Performance Appraisals

They're a necessary evil, so you might as well make them relatively painless.


Motivating Gen X, Gen Y Workers

A primer on how to get the most out of younger employees