Elizabeth Wilson

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Business Ideas

Invitations & Stationery

The invitation is the first glimpse of any big event. Couples are investing more and more on this element of their wedding. If you're creative, this could be the business for you.

Operations & Logistics

Control Your Cash Flow

Here are 5 ways to reduce your vulnerability during the credit crunch.


Know Your Target Market

Get a grasp on generational marketing with this guide to demographics.


Market Your Way To the Top

Never stop thinking about marketing--it's the best way to grow your business.

Business Ideas

Bridal Fashion

It seems like a daunting industry to break into, but you'll be surprised how easily one entrepreneur did it.

Business Ideas

Events Planner

It takes very little to start up but can bring in big bucks. If you have an eye for detail and love parties, weddings and other events, consider this.

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