Emily Washcovick: Page 13
As Yelp’s Small Business Expert, Emily is meticulously focused on helping local business owners succeed and grow. Her expertise lies in customer engagement, reputation management, and all things digital marketing. Through speaking engagements and thought leadership, Emily shares industry insights that entrepreneurs in any business category can leverage for the growth and well-being of their businesses. She is also the host of Behind the Review, a podcast from Yelp and Entrepreneur Media, where each episode features conversations with a business owner and a reviewer about the story and lessons behind their interactions.
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Latest: Page 13
Shifting the Narrative: Entrepreneurs and Mental Health
For many entrepreneurs and business owners, it might seem impossible to balance the demands and needs of the business with the demands and needs of your own mental health and personal wellbeing.
Cambiando la narrativa: empresarios y salud mental
Para muchos empresarios y dueños de negocios, puede parecer imposible equilibrar las demandas y necesidades de la empresa con las demandas y necesidades de su propia salud mental y bienestar personal.
A Business Built on a Foundation of Value and Trust
Tim Lo, co-founder of career counseling service, Your Next Jump, knows that developing trust, right off the bat, is essential and his entire business is built off of that foundation.
Un negocio construido sobre una base de valor y confianza
Tim Lo, cofundador del servicio de asesoramiento profesional, Your Next Jump, sabe que desarrollar la confianza desde el principio es esencial y todo su negocio se basa en esa base.
The Importance of Authentic Passion in Business
For Matthew Wong, Co-Founder and CEO of Tea and Milk in NYC, channeling passion into creativity is a core operating principle.
La importancia de la auténtica pasión en los negocios
Para Matthew Wong, cofundador y director ejecutivo de Tea and Milk en Nueva York, canalizar la pasión hacia la creatividad es un principio operativo fundamental.