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Business News

How is Inflation Measured? Understanding the Consumer Price Index

When prices surge across various sectors of the economy, you'll start hearing analysts talk about inflation. Inflation is the devaluation of currency over time, meaning as goods and services become...

Business News

Natural Gas and its Supply Chain

Natural gas is a commonly used energy source around the world. Thousands of people are employed in its supply chain, helping with drilling and extracting natural gas, treating it, and...

Business News

What is the Federal Funds Rate and How Does it Impact Loan Rates?

You've probably heard the term federal funds rate mentioned on the news or by a relative interested in the economy, but what does it mean? The federal funds rate is...

Business News

Will Student Loan Forgiveness Help the Stock Market?

With federal student loan debt totaling about $1.75 trillion in America, people are spending more than ever on debt payments. This kind of debt has forced many to delay major...

Business News

Do Interest Rates Go Down in a Recession?

If you're living in a time of rising inflation, you may hear about the Federal Reserve (or the Fed, for short) increasing interest rates. Inflation is essentially the devaluing of...

Business News

The Fed Has Been Raising Rates, But What's Next?

On March 22, 2023, the Federal Reserve raised the target fed funds rate from 4.75 to 5.00%. This marked a 475 bps increase in interest rates since March 2022. With...