Ericka Chickowski: Page 3


Self-described tech geek Ericka Chickowski also writes for Consumers Digest, the Los Angeles Times and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

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Customize Your App

Where to go to create a mobile strategy that will set you apart

Science & Technology

Your IT Lifeline

A great reseller can save the day.

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A More Polished Voice

New phone platforms can boost the perception of professionalism for small outfits.

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Protect Your Small Business Against Cyber Attacks

Cybercrime costs the economy more than $1 trillion per year, and crooks are increasingly setting their sights on small businesses. A look at the most destructive threats to your network--and what you need to do about them.

Science & Technology

On the Road (Again)

Road warriors can now arm themselves with an arsenal of tools to survive the travails of travel. Here are some of the best apps for those who spend their life shuttling between office and airport.

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Make Your Video Sound Out

Skip the built-in microphones to get better audio quality.

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