Gabrielle Karol: Page 2


Gabrielle Karol is Web reporter @FOXBusiness covering technology, startups and more.

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Business News

Fresh Idea: Entrepreneur Puts Salad in a Vending Machine

A visit to the vending machine can yield chocolate, chips or soda … but what about fresh vegetables?

Business News

How 'V-Commerce' Could Be the Next Big Trend for Startups

There's e-commerce, m-commerce and even t-commerce, but the next wave of tech-driven shopping may be driven by something different.

Business News

5 Tips for Launching a Side Business

Here's how you can get your toes wet as a business owners without necessarily having to quit your day job.

Business News

5 Tips for Maximizing LinkedIn for Your Business

LinkedIn isn't only good for hiring employees. Here's how you can use the social network to connect with customers, identify new leads and more.

Business News

Small-Business Owners Cautious of Going Overboard on Holiday Gifts, Bonuses

Expecting weaker-than-usual holiday sales, a new survey says some owners are cutting back on end-of-year bonuses and parties.

Business News

IRS to Take a Closer Look at Small Business Filings

Here are three important tips for how entrepreneurs can avoid getting into trouble with the IRS.

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