Gleb Tsipursky: Page 4
Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts, is a behavioral scientist who helps executives make the wisest decisions and manage risks in the future of work. He wrote the best-sellers “Never Go With Your Gut,” “The Blindspots Between Us,” and "Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams."
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Latest: Page 4
These Outdated Habits Are Leading to Workplace Inefficiencies And Taking a Toll on Your Productivity
No wonder companies are having trouble collaborating effectively digitally.
Los principales CEOs de la industria afirman que la IA tiene el potencial de destruir a la humanidad en 5 a 10 años. Está la razón por la que necesitamos actuar ahora
El 42% de los CEOs indicaron que la inteligencia artificial (IA) podría significar el fin de la humanidad en la próxima década. Esto es lo que sabemos.
Industry's Top CEOs Say AI Has The Potential to Destroy Humanity in 5 to 10 Years. Here's Why We Need to Act – Now.
42% of the CEOs indicated that artificial intelligence (AI) could spell the end of humanity within the next decade. Here's what we know.
Cómo identificar las horas más productivas de tu jornada laboral
El mundo empresarial nos obliga a entrar en una caja de tiempo estandarizada de nueve de la mañana a cinco de la tarde, pero las investigaciones sugieren que las personas son más productivas en diferentes momentos del día.
Underdog Startups Threaten Hiring Dominance of Big Tech After Adopting This Irresistible Work Policy
Tech companies under 500 employees — and thus the most innovative and forward-looking — are leading the charge when it comes to flexible work.
How to Identify Your Peak Productivity Hours During Your Work Day
The business world forces everyone into a standardized 9-to-5 time box, but research suggests individuals are more productive at different times of the day.