Gleb Tsipursky: Page 5
Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts, is a behavioral scientist who helps executives make the wisest decisions and manage risks in the future of work. He wrote the best-sellers “Never Go With Your Gut,” “The Blindspots Between Us,” and "Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams."
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Latest: Page 5
Perdón Elon Musk: afirmar que el trabajo remoto no es "moralmente correcto" es un intento fallido por promover tu agenda de trabajo presencial. Aquí está el porqué.
Elon Musk ha expresado su desaprobación hacia el trabajo remoto, afirmando que es "moralmente incorrecto" y un lujo para la "clase de las laptops ". Aunque su bravuconería puede ser admirada por algunos, no es un modelo práctico o sostenible para el futuro del trabajo.
Sorry, Elon Musk — To Suggest Remote Work Isn't 'Morally Right' is a Flawed Attempt to Push Your In-Person Work Agenda. Here's Why.
Elon Musk has expressed his disapproval of remote work, stating that it is "morally wrong" and a luxury for the "laptop class." While his bravado might be admired by some, it's not a practical or sustainable model for the future of work.
Is The Future of Work Flexible — Or Not? Governments Are Making Moves to End The Debate Once and For All.
It's a sign of major disruption when governments are ahead of the curve compared to major companies, but that's exactly what's happening with regard to the future of work.
The Forced Return to Office is the Definition of Insanity. Here's Why.
In a world where we've seen five consecutive quarters of declining productivity in the U.S., one would think that CEOs and company leaders would question their tactics. Yet despite the overwhelming evidence that flexible hybrid work is more productive than forced in-office work for the same roles, top executives are stubbornly herding employees back to the office like lost sheep.
Why Empowering Your Hybrid Workers to Co-Create a Winning Return to Office Plan Leads to Longterm Gain
It certainly takes more work to have hybrid employees participate in co-creating the return office, but the long-term gain is very much worth the short-term pain.
What Working Moms at Your Company Really Need This Mother's Day
The number of stay-at-home mothers nearly doubled from 2022 to 2023, leaping from 15% to 25%, because of the forced return to office and resultant lack of flexibility