Glenn Llopis: Page 2


Glenn Llopis (‘yo-pes) creates high-performance leaders and teams focused on inclusion and the power of individuality. He is the author of the books Earning Serendipity, Leadership in the Age of Personalization, Unleashing Individuality and The Innovation Mentality.

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Stop Trying to Think Outside the Box and Think More Strategically in the Box

Companies are solving for the wrong opportunities when pursuing growth.


Why Most Leaders Are Not Qualified to Lead

Are you promoting the right employees?


Why Businesses Must Do Better to Integrate This Growing Demographic

Hispanics are the fastest growing workforce population in the U.S.


4 Essential Questions That Determine Whether You Feel Trust

Are you a trustworthy leader? Do you trust those leading you? Use the following core questions to evaluate trust levels in your workplace.


Leaders Who Make Good Decisions Do These 6 Things Constantly

Bad cultures are created by bad decisions by leaders who are not ready for the accountability leadership requires

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Why Building Relationships with Your Employees Is Better Than Just Managing Them

By creating strong relationships with your staff members, you'll build a better workforce and develop bonds that will help you and your business be a success.

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