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9 Business Ideas Under $1,000 You Can Run From Anywhere
Go ahead and pull out that swimsuit or leave the pajamas on, you can still be a successful entrepreneur without being tied to an office.
9 Low-Cost Business Ideas for Animal Lovers
'Products and services that help people care for their four-legged family members are in a growth pattern that I don't see slowing down for the near future.'
19 Times Elon Musk Had the Best Response
This is the break you were looking for.
9 Billionaires' First Tweets
Warren Buffett, Elon Musk and Larry Ellison have all accumulated huge followings on Twitter, but they had to start somewhere.
20 McDonald's Facts That May Surprise You
Did you know a chicken nugget once sold on eBay for $8,100?
These Inspiring Startups Make Giving a Core Part of Their Missions
See how these founders are using their entrepreneurial skills for good.
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