Howard S. Dvorkin: Page 2


Howard Dvorkin, CPA is the chairman of, an entrepreneur, personal finance adviser, and author. He focuses his endeavors in consumer finance, technology, media and real estate industries. Money cannot buy happiness, but going into debt always buys misery. That’s why I launched

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How to be Charitable After a Mass Shooting Without Getting Sucked Into Political Controversy

We live in an odd time when even mass murder is a fraught issue but if your heart is in the right place you will find a way to help.

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Why Today's Children Don't Want to Grow Up and Start a Business

A new study says kids today don't crave being their own boss.

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Will Equifax Make Money From Its Massive Security Breach?

The company that lost your most sensitive information will, for a fee, protect you from the people who stole it.

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How to be an Entrepreneur in 2030

Sure, technology will keep evolving but so will the psychology of the entrepreneurs and their customers.

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3 Money Lessons From Pro Athletes Who Went Broke

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Good News: Your Credit Score Might Just Get a Bump In the Right Direction

A FICO study found that public records of adverse civil judgments are too often wrong to rely on when calculating credit ratings.

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