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Business News

How to Maximize the Productivity of New Team Members

Hiring a new team member can be challenging. An oft-quoted stat from SHRM put the average cost per hire around $4,129 back in 2016. Since then, with a pandemic, remote...

Business News

Play Video Games Responsibly

Video games are more popular than ever, with new technology opening the doors to new and exciting gameplay virtually every week. As fun as gaming can be, experts say this...

Business News

How to Schedule a Sabbatical Without Killing Your Career

Everyone needs a break now and then. Weekends are nice for recharging your batteries before Monday rolls back around. Lunch breaks help you regain ene...

Business News

Tips for Acing Your Next Client Meeting

Do you still get nervous about client meetings? It happens to the best of us. Every meeting is different, and you can never be entirely sure what the...

Business News

How Data Can Help You Identify Customer Moments That Matter

The customer marketing and sales journey of today look almost nothing like the customer journey of the recent past. Instead, experiences are largely (...

Business News

Online School Tips for Maximum Productivity

Online schooling is growing rapidly, especially with Covid-19 keeping everyone on their toes these days. Universities are beginning to provide more cl...