Jeff Elgin: Page 8

Jeff Elgin has almost 20 years of experience franchising, both as a franchisee and a senior franchise company executive. He's currently the CEO of FranChoice Inc., a company that provides free consulting to consumers looking for a franchise that best meets their needs.

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Latest: Page 8


Franchise Terminology

Get a handle on the terms before you invest in any opportunity.


What to Expect From a Franchisor

From training to marketing, here's a list of the assistance and support you should receive from a franchisor.

Business News

Finding Franchise Financing

All you have to do is go to the bank, right? Wrong. First you must explore all your financing options.


Franchise Advisory Boards: The Advantages

Why their existence bodes well for a franchise system


Franchise Startup Costs

What do all those terms in the UFOC mean?


Weighing Protected Territory Options

Bigger isn't necessarily better.