Jeffrey Steinberger
Jeffrey Steinberger is a veteran trial attorney and the founder and senior partner of The Law Offices of Jeffrey W. Steinberger , a Professional Corporation in Beverly Hills, California. He is also a renowned celebrity attorney, TV legal commentator and analyst, federally appointed SEC arbitrator and professor of law.
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Need to Register a Fictitious Business Name?
Probably. The process is simple, the benefits tangible, so make sure you're covered.
Can I Operate my Business as a Non-Profit?
Probably not, but it's important to understand exactly what one is.
How to Search for Existing Patents
Before you spend a lot of time an energy creating the next big thing, use a patent search to make sure it hasn't already been done.
Recovering Business Losses From Criminal Activity
It's not always easy, but you've got options.
Sharing the Cost of Business
Labor laws vary from state to state when it comes to passing along certain business expenses to your employees. Be sure to know when and where it's legal to do so.
Taking Out a Reverse Mortgage
For senior citizen entrepreneurs that own a home, a reverse mortgage could provide the financing you need during difficult times. But beware.
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