Jenna Schnuer: Page 3


Jenna Schnuer writes (mostly) about business and travel and is a contributing editor for Entrepreneur.

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Latest: Page 3

Starting a Business

A New Breed of Antiques Dealers Specializes in Retro-Chic

Philadelphia's Three Potato Four keeps things personal while staying ahead of vintage industry trends.

Growing a Business

The Best Bar to. . . Get Green Inspiration: Brooklyn Bowl

This LEED-certified converted warehouse in Brooklyn, N.Y., just might inspire your own eco-business idea.

Thought Leaders

The Best Bar to . . . Find a Behind-the-Bar Mentor: Marquee Grill & Bar

The serial entrepreneur and mixologist serves up solid business advice at his Dallas establishment.


How to Map Out an M&A Brand Strategy

Here's a three-step approach to keeping your brand story straight and your customers in your camp through a roll up.

Business Ideas

How Zite's iPad Magazine Is Bringing Browsing Back

A hit from the start, this Vancouver, B.C.-based company delivers an (increasingly) personal reading experience for tablet-toters. Plus, a look at other ground-breaking businesses in the media space.

Business Ideas

How Yellow+Blue Is Making a Difference in the Wine Business

The Chester, Penn.-based wine company's early success shatters long-held industry standards. Plus, a look at other game-changers in the beverages industry.

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