Jennifer Dopazo
Jennifer Dopazo is founder of the award-winning Candelita studio, a graphic designer and artist who specializes in brand identity, interaction design and UX/UI Design. Dopazo has taught new business owners to build websites, artists to code, fashion designers to create interactive garments and children make electronic toys with crafts. Recent clients include the The New York Times and Find Jen’s free tips on branding and design and join the 10 Days of Design Inspiration Collective at
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5 Ways Niche Brands Can Build a Massive Community
Unlike large companies with many stakeholders, a focused entrepreneur in a niche market has a leg up in building community by virtue of their common bond around a narrow topic.
3 Reasons Why Web Design Is the Domain of Your Entire Company
Your company web site is its public face on the Internet. Shape the design and message with the help of everyone in your organization who works with your audience.
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