Joe Keohane
Entrepreneur Staff
Joe Keohane is the author of the book The Power of Strangers: The Benefits of Connecting in a Suspicious World. He is a journalist based in New York, and was formerly the executive editor of Entrepreneur magazine.
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Todo el mundo quiere un trabajo significativo. Pero, ¿cómo se ve eso, realmente?
Más personas que nunca están buscando un trabajo que tenga sentido. Pero nadie puede ponerse de acuerdo sobre cómo encontrarlo, proporcionarlo o incluso definirlo. Así que nos dispusimos a probar.
Everyone Wants Meaningful Work. But What Does That Look Like, Really?
More people than ever are searching for work that has meaning. But nobody can agree on how to find it, provide it, or even define it. So we set out to try.
How to Become a Master at Talking to Strangers
Entrepreneurs must become experts at connecting with anyone-and with a few simple strategies, you can. Here's what happened when I tried them myself.
After Having a 'Hell of a Year,' This Entrepreneur Rewarded Himself With the Car He Wanted, Not the Car He Needed
'Anyone who says money can't buy happiness has clearly never driven my car,' says Steven Sashen, CEO and co-founder of Xero Shoes.
His Company Is Growing 300 Percent a Year -- Because He Took Jobs He Wasn't Fully Prepared For
If you're willing, agile, attuned to the market and ready to learn, there's never a wrong time to change your business plan.
Picture Perfect: After Finding Success, This Founder Shares Why She Splurged on an Iconic Photo of Faye Dunaway
The founder of beauty brand Rodial explains why a famous picture of the actress inspired her on her entrepreneurial journey.
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