John Rampton: Page 20

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Entrepreneur and Connector

John Rampton is an entrepreneur, investor and startup enthusiast. He is the founder of the calendar productivity tool Calendar.

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Latest: Page 20


Team-Building Tips: 8 Ways to Make Sure Every Employee Feels Included

People take jobs for a paycheck but they only keep jobs when they feel valued and part of a team.

Starting a Business

7 Characteristics of Startups Built to Weather Any Storm

A company, like a house, can only be as strong as its foundation.

Making a Change

Feeling Lazy Today? This Is How You Break the Laziness Loop

Beating yourself up for being "lazy" is self-defeating.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

8 Strategies to Avoid Wasting Your Company's Gen-Z Talent

The youngest workers entering the workforce aren't like their older siblings. Good luck keeping everybody happy.


6 Common Decision-Making Blunders That Could Kill Your Business

Among the logical errors nearly everybody makes is thinking only everybody else make logical errors.


6 Ways Adopting a 6-Hour Workday Boosts Productivity by Fostering a Happier Workplace

Our fixation on the eight-hour workday is probably making us unhappier and less productive.