Jon Fingas: Page 7


Jon Fingas is an associate editor at Engadget.

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Latest: Page 7

Business News

Apple Just Bought a Popular Sleep Tracker

The Beddit deal could help bring sleep monitoring to your Apple Watch.

Business News

Apple's Siri Speaker Could Be the 'One More Thing' at WWDC

It promises to sound better than the Amazon Echo for a higher price.

Business News

Tesla's Autopilot Lawsuit Ends With a Ho-Hum Settlement

It won't chase after a former director who allegedly took sensitive info.

Business News

Smart Bandages Will Use 5G Data to Track Your Health

Tests of always-connected dressings should start within a year.

Business News

Web Pioneer Tim Berners-Lee Wins Computing's Highest Award

It's recognition for building the basics of the modern internet.

Business News

Uber President Quits in Response to Controversies

This wasn't the company he thought he joined.