Jon Nastor
Jon Nastor is the author of Hack the Entrepreneur: How to Stop Procrastinating, Build a Business, and Do Work That Matters.
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5 Business Lessons Learned Playing in a Punk Rock Band
The endless hours of grueling, low-paid work typical of playing in a band is a lot like launching a business.
3 Questions You Must Answer to Overcome Your Fears
People who seem fearless have gained control over their thoughts and feelings toward their fears.
17 Essential Tools for Entrepreneurs
Powerful, low-cost technology is readily available to make starting and growing your business if not easy, at least possible.
How to Accomplish Your No. 1 Goal in Just 100 Days
Start by breaking a vague goal into concrete steps.
7 Mindsets at the Foundation of Entrepreneurial Success
People don't succeed because they know more but because they are confident they can learn more.
You'll Never Be Paid So Much That You Will Love Your Meaningless Job
The necessity and challenge of paying the bills is great but work that we know is meaningless is another sort of poverty entirely.
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