Jonathan Long: Page 11
Jonathan Long is the founder of Uber Brands, a brand-development agency focusing on ecommerce.
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Latest: Page 11
5 Ways to Keep Your Social Media Accounts Safe From Hackers
Taking even the most basic security steps makes it far less likely hackers will make the effort to break in.
5 Ways to Power Through Difficult Times
Entrepreneurship is hard. Here's how to handle things like a champ.
Grant Cardone's New Book Teaches How to Harness Obession to Achieve Big Success
Get clarity on the life you want and don't waver. There's no such thing as burnout when you're living your purpose.
4 Social-Media Mistakes Your Business Can't Afford to Make
Effective social media is never easy but if you don't get these basics right, it's impossible.
8 Ways to Reduce Your Company's Expenses
The easiest way to increase revenue is to reduce expenses.
5 Ways to Market Your Business for Free (or Nearly Free)
When you don't have a big budget to market your business, creativity can work just fine.