Jonathan Long: Page 12
Jonathan Long is the founder of Uber Brands, a brand-development agency focusing on ecommerce.
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Latest: Page 12
7 Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Brand on Instagram
Instagram provides a great marketing platform to reach potential customers from every corner of the world.
Personal Styles of 10 Successful Entrepreneurs (Infographic)
Every famous entrepreneur has their own certain style but you'll look a long time before you see a tie.
3 Reasons Why You Can't Afford to Feel Bad Charging What You're Worth
You can't get back the time you sold cheap just to earn a reputation as the low-cost option.
5 Lessons to Learn from T-Mobile CEO John Legere
T-Mobile benefits because of how its CEO presents himself.
Why Long-Form Content Performs Better & How to Create It (Infographic)
This six-step process will help you crack the code on content marketing.
Growth Hacking Simplified in 4 Steps
There is a method to creating explosive momentum capable of taking your business off the ground quickly.