Joy Youell
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What Does a Mature Creative Professional Look Like?
The future of visibility in saturated world markets will be secured by creative professionals. How do you find them?
La mayoría de las cosas no importan: 3 formas de descubrir lo que realmente importa
El secreto del éxito no siempre es más trabajo, esfuerzo o gasto, sino superar el impulso de reaccionar siempre de la manera que se sienta necesaria en un momento dado.
Most Things Don't Matter: 3 Ways to Figure Out What Actually Does
The secret to success isn't always more work, effort or spending, but overcoming the impulse to always react in a way that feels necessary in any given moment.
Cómo aprovechar el poder de la toma de decisiones macro
Tomar tantas decisiones a gran escala como sea posible alivia la presión de detenerse demasiado en sus contrapartes micro, ahorrando océanos de tiempo y esfuerzo.
How to Harness the Power of Macro Decision-Making
Making as many large-scale decisions as possible alleviates the pressure of dwelling too long on their micro counterparts, saving oceans of time and effort.
The No. 1 Question Every Business Leader Should Be Asking
Employees have the power to make or break brands, and encouraging their engagement is mission critical.
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