Judy Carter
Judy is an international keynote speaker, speaking coach, and workshop leader on the power of personal stories and humor to inspire others and decrease workplace stress. Her “wake-them-up” keynotes have thrilled attendees at many Fortune 500 companies including Fedex, Oracle, Disney, Boeing, as well as hundreds of finance, healthcare and women's events.
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Everyone Has a Story: Here's How You Can Get Paid to Share Yours
If you've transformed yourself from mess to success, you might have the makings of a new career helping others as a motivational speaker.
6 Ways to Do Message Marketing on a Shoestring
The first step? You need to create your '3 essential stories.'
3 Steps to Find a Business Mentor
With the right approach, entrepreneurs can get free business coaching.
3 Essential Stories You Need on Your Website to Attract Customers
Sell your product or service using the most personal story you've got.
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