Julie Bort


When not writing for Business Insider I can usually be found on the trails, on my mountain bike or skis -- if you know where to look.

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Business News

Apple CEO Tim Cook Made One Simple Change to Help Him Avoid iPhone Addiction

He says he doesn't want people to use their phones so much.

Business News

The Best Part of Google's Conference Was a Teen Who Taught Himself to Code to Diagnose Cancer

Google was so impressed with his app that the company showcased it during CEO Sundar Pichai's opening keynote at its I/O developer conference.

Business News

Check Out the Amazing Gifts Bill Gates Sent to This Reddit User

One lucky person gets the Microsoft co-founder as their Secret Santa.

Business News

Facebook Is Once Again Putting the $41 Billion Computer Network Industry to Shame

The new network, Backpack, will be shared with the world for free.

Business News

A Startup Burned Through $700,000 in 10 Months Then Lied About Back Pay, Former Employees Say

A marketing professional with a one-month career at a Silicon Valley startup shared a detailed account of one of the ugliest startup stories we've ever heard.

Business News

Employees Are 'Exhausted' by the Constant Need to Check Email After Hours, Study Finds

It's almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or (for shame!) on a Friday and simply not check your work email again until you return the office during normal working hours.

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