Kate Rockwood

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Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

Is Starting a Franchise From Home a Good (and Sustainable) Idea?

As Americans began working at their kitchen tables last year, a new kind of marketplace formed: Home-based workers were increasingly relying upon home-based franchisees. But what happens when everyone is allowed back into the office?

Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

How Planet Fitness Grew in 2020, Even While Its Gyms Were Empty

The #8 company on our Franchise 500 list created streaming workouts for Facebook Live and attracted 45 million views.

Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

Culver's Thrived In 2020 By Doubling Down On Comfort Food

The #5 company on our Franchise 500 list is now expanding into the Southeast.

Growing a Business

How the Founder of Zola Grew Her Bottom Line by Giving Away Free Products

To grow its business, the CEO of the wedding-registry website added new services -- and gave them away for free.

Business Ideas

Why Women-Only Coworking Spaces Are on the Rise

In a growing crop of single-sex co-working spaces, women are harnessing community, inspiration and success.

Resumes & Interviewing

How to Master the Interview

You might think you've got an intuitive knack for interviewing prospective talent, but a whole body of research begs to differ.

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