Kelly L. Campbell
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Why the Future of Digital Design Needs to Be Trauma-Informed
Online interactions can create stress responses in users, but if designers and developers received trauma-informed training, the benefits would go well beyond "do no further harm."
Do You Perpetuate Harm Against Your LGBTQIA+ Employees — and Sabotage Your Organization's Success in the Process?
Creating a truly inclusive and supportive workplace for LGBTQIA+ employees requires leaders to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and healing, leading to innovation and financial sustainability on an organizational level.
Many Confident Leaders Resist Change — And These 5 Emotional Wounds Could Be to Blame
Five core emotional wounds keep low-conscious leaders from embracing the uncertainty of change, which can stunt the growth and innovation of their organizations — and negatively influence employees, culture, and the bottom line.
Trauma no integrado: Cómo mejorar la comunicación al entender las respuestas al estrés
Con frecuencia, sin que seamos conscientes de ello, el trauma se manifiesta en nuestros cuerpos. Para convertirnos en líderes verdaderamente conscientes, debemos llevar compasión y curiosidad a nuestras propias heridas, así como a las de los demás.
Unintegrated Trauma: How to Improve Communication by Understanding Stress Responses
Often without our conscious awareness, trauma manifests in our bodies. To become truly conscious leaders, we must bring compassion and curiosity to our own wounding as well as that of others.
How to Lead with Compassion During These Traumatic Times
Afraid of getting it wrong, most leaders remain silent about collectively traumatizing events. While that's no longer an option, it can be hard to know where to begin, so here are five actionable considerations for organizational leaders.
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