Kim Kavin: Page 4


Kim Kavin was an editorial staffer at newspapers and magazines for a decade before going full-time freelance in 2003. She has written for The Washington Post, NBC’s ThinkThe Hill and more about the need to protect independent contractor careers. She co-founded the grassroots, nonpartisan, self-funded group Fight For Freelancers.

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Latest: Page 4


Lo que los legisladores no entienden sobre la Ley PRO, según los propietarios de franquicias

Los legisladores están confundidos acerca de lo que es una franquicia y están amenazando a todo el modelo comercial con una mala ley, dicen los expertos.


What Lawmakers Don't Understand About the PRO Act, According to Franchise Owners

Lawmakers are confused about what franchising is, and are threatening the whole business model with a bad bill, experts say.


Las mujeres propietarias de franquicias temen la ley PRO

Las franquicias les ayudaron a convertirse en propietarios de pequeñas empresas y no quieren verse obligados a volver a estar bajo el control corporativo.


Women Franchise Owners Fear the PRO Act

Franchising helped them become small business owners, and they don't want to be forced back under the corporate thumb.


Los padres y cuidadores dicen que la Ley PRO dañaría a sus familias

En profesiones tan amplias como camioneros y editores, existe el temor de que la prueba ABC de la Ley PRO destruya la libertad necesaria para criar a los niños y ayudar a los padres ancianos.


Parents and Caregivers Say PRO Act Would Harm Their Families

In professions as wide-ranging as truckers and editors, there's fear that the PRO Act's ABC Test would destroy the freedom needed to raise kids and help aging parents.