Kimsey Self


Kimsey Self is an integrative nutritionist and founder of Progressive Health and Wellness, a virtual practice where she helps people find answers and solutions to nagging, chronic health issues.

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Health & Wellness

The Best Strategies for Tapping Into Physical and Mental Health to Maximize Success in Business

Our physical and mental health can either be our greatest asset or biggest obstacle when it comes to excelling in business.


Already Stressing in 2022? These 3 Body-Based Solutions Can Help Short-Circuit Your Anxiety.

When deep breathing and therapy don't work, there are additional avenues that have been proven to tackle this creativity killer.

Estilo de vida

¿Ya estresado en 2022? Estas 3 soluciones basadas en el cuerpo pueden ayudar a reducir la ansiedad.

Cuando la respiración profunda y la terapia no funcionan, existen vías adicionales que se han probado para abordar este asesino de la creatividad.

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