Lindsay LaVine: Page 3


Lindsay LaVine is a Chicago-based freelance writer who has worked for NBC and CNN.

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Social Media

3 Ways to Make Your Brand Memorable on Social Media

Advice from business leaders who have mastered the art of social media marketing.


6 Items Every Entrepreneur Needs to Dress for Success

A fashion expert weighs in on what pieces of clothing business leaders should have in their closets.

Starting a Business

10 Must-Read Inspiring Biographies of Business Leaders

Take a page from the book of the lives of these famous entrepreneurs.

Social Media

3 Must-Know Basics to Managing Your Company's Social Media

We found three companies that know what they're doing when it comes to social media marketing, and picked their brains for the best advice to get you started.

Growing a Business

4 Business Lessons from Quentin Tarantino Movies

What you can learn about managing your business from the award-winning writer and director.


4 Storytelling Techniques That Can Help You Increase Your Sales

Incorporate these pointers from professional storytellers to elevate your sales skills.

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