Marc Wayshak


Marc Wayshak is the author of Game Plan Selling . As a sales strategist, he has created a system aimed at revolutionizing the way companies approach selling.

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Business Process

8 Keys to Coming Off as the Expert in Whatever You Sell

Solve their problem instead of simply selling them something.

Business Process

The One Strategy That Could More Than Double Your Sales

When you're working toward a massive sale, you can afford to invest time and money in a more personalized approach.

Growing a Business

5 Keys to Closing Far Bigger Deals at Massive Companies

Identify the decision maker, and start there.

Business Process

5 Simple Ways to Get Prospects to Stay on the Phone With You

Loosen up, crack a couple of jokes and make your sales calls a pleasant chat.

Business Process

5 Tricks to Instantly Connect With Any Sales Prospect

It's less about you and more about them.

Business Process

6 Fatal B2B Sales Mistakes You Must Avoid

Say yes to face-to-face meetings with the power players.

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