Meiko Patton: Page 2


Sacramento-based Meiko S. Patton is a writer for the federal government and author of How a Postage Stamp Saved My Life.

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Famous Failures Who Will Inspire You

Jake Ducey's new book, Purpose Principles, is chock-full of examples of high achievers who persisted despite overwhelming tough odds.


How Giving Could Become Your Default Weapon of Choice

Three successful leaders in business are modeling the idea that being generous is a valuable goal in itself.


7 Scientifically Proven Steps to Increase Your Influence

Would you like to become the most memorable person in the room? Who wouldn't? Read on to learn about some of the methods taught by behavioral investigator Vanessa Van Edwards.


10 Reasons to Remain Inspired When the Wind Blows

A career consultant shares some advice gleaned from motivational writer Jim Rohn.

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25 Business and Life Lessons I've Learned Since My Mother's Death

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