Natasha Zo: Page 3


Natasha Zo is a former journalist turned international media relations specialist. As a founder of a boutique PR agency, she is on a mission to amplify messages of conscious leaders through earned media. She helped launch Amazon bestsellers, booked national TV, and over 400 podcast interviews.

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3 razones por las que debería tratar su marca personal como su alcancía infantil

Si está promocionando un buen producto sin mucho éxito, es posible que no tenga suficientes "monedas de cinco centavos de confianza" en el banco de su marca.


3 Reasons You Should Treat Your Personal Brand Like Your Childhood Piggy Bank

If you're pushing a good product without much success, it might just be that you haven't got enough "trust nickels" in your brand bank.

Mujeres emprendedoras

En la URSS, "emprendedor" era una palabra sucia. No me di cuenta de que mi mamá era una.

Pero ahora, como emprendedora, las lecciones que aprendí de ella son invaluables.

Thought Leaders

In the USSR, 'Entrepreneur' Was a Dirty Word. I Didn't Realize My Mom Was One.

But now, as an entrepreneur myself, the lessons I learned from her are invaluable.


3 estrategias para conseguir una gran prensa si no eres una vaca morada

En el mundo de los medios de comunicación de hoy, ninguna marca es inadecuada para la cobertura.


3 Strategies to Land Big Press If You Are Not a Purple Cow

In today's media world, no brands are unfit for coverage.

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