Nellie Akalp: Page 3

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Nellie Akalp is a passionate entrepreneur and mother of four. She is the CEO of, the smartest way to start a business, register for payroll taxes and maintain business compliance across the United States. 

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Latest: Page 3

Business News

Apply For a Trademark Before It's Too Late

With trademarks, the early bird gets the worm.

Thought Leaders

6 Ways to Help Your Kid Start a Business and Learn About Life

A fun summer business venture may not make them a lot of money, but it can teach youngsters invaluable life experiences and practical skills.

Social Media

Are Small Businesses Spending Too Much Time on Social?

Social media marketing requires a lot of patience, but don't ignore all your other customer touch points along the way.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

To Grow Your Business Start Focusing on Your Employees

Keep your employees connected to their job, company and team to maximize both satisfaction and production.

Growing a Business

Your New Business Name Should Be Memorable, Spell-able and Available

Follow these five tips to settle on what is one of the most important aspect of a new company -- its name.

Thought Leaders

5 Ways to Stop Worrying What Others Think

Judging yourself based on someone's bad opinion of you can destroy you and your business.