Nika White: Page 3

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Dr. Nika White is a national authority and fearless advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion. As an award-winning management and leadership consultant, keynote speaker, published author and executive practitioner for DEI efforts across business, government, non-profit and education.

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Latest: Page 3

Growing a Business

Hybrid Work Could Affect Your Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Goals. Here's How to Prepare for That.

Tips for how you can continue to keep DEI in mind as the workforce location changes.


Cómo DEI y la sustentabilidad pueden hacer crecer su resultado final triple

Decir que su empresa valora a las personas y al planeta es una cosa, mientras que centrarse en la diversidad, la equidad, la inclusión y la sostenibilidad es otra. Y hacerlo bien podría generar mayores ganancias, más innovación y empleados más felices.

Green Entrepreneur®

How DEI and Sustainability Can Grow Your Triple Bottom Line

Saying your business values people and the planet is one thing, while actually centering diversity, equity, inclusion and sustainability is another. And doing it right could lead to higher profits, more innovation and happier employees.

Thought Leaders

How Danielle Coke's Art Activism Helps Businesses Message DEI

The illustrator and content creator also known as Happy Dani talks with 'Entrepreneur' about her unique business model and how brands can elevate Black content creators.

Mujeres emprendedoras

Cómo el activismo artístico de Danielle Coke ayuda a las empresas Message DEI

La ilustradora y creadora de contenido, también conocida como Happy Dani, habla con 'Entrepreneur' sobre su modelo de negocio único y cómo las marcas pueden elevar a los creadores de contenido negros.

Thought Leaders

'Breakfast Club' Co-Host Angela Yee's Black-Owned Health and Nutrition Businesses Serve Up Community Support

The nationally reputed radio personality talks with 'Entrepreneur' about being a savvy, and conscientious, businesswoman.