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Business News

Why Decentralization is Crypto's Greatest Strength and Greatest Threat

Decentralization is the future of finance, at least for the world's cryptocurrency investors. There's no question that decentralization holds many advantages over centralized organizational control; it's one of the biggest...

Business News

6 Tips for Increasing Your Customer Lifetime Value

Maintaining a customer is a textbook way to maximize value. However, the concept of customer lifetime value (CLV) doesn't automatically translate into the same value each and every time. The...

Business News

Small Business Private Equity Can Improve Your Retirement Outlook Without Selling

The most valuable retirement assets that many small business owners have are actually their business itself. Retirement may seem far-off and in the future for some. At the same time,...

Business News

7 Ways To Protect Your Financial Investments From Theft

Cybersecurity is a growing concern in all areas of life. Businesses and political entities were put on high alert when the SolarWinds hack took place back in 2019. Individuals have...

Business News

Explore Wealth Opportunities with NFTs

At first glance, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) might seem like a strange fad where young and overly-wealthy individuals throw money into a digital fire, never to be seen again. The concept...

Business News

How to Protect Your Financial Health From Lawsuits

When it comes to your financial health, there are numerous vulnerabilities you should be aware of. Your net worth can be damaged by such commonplace items as unexpected medical bills,...