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News and Trends

A realm full of opportunity and test

Among the countries considered to be hotbeds for startups, India consistently makes the top ten; much of it has to do with the policy-making and cultural shifts the country has gone through to advertise itself as startup-friendly.

News and Trends

Easing the stress with new-age health solutions

With rapid scaling and idea-making seen in the Indian eco-system, it is only speculated that the now-easily accessible healthcare systems will try to reach further depths of the country.

News and Trends

Innovation Meets Tradition To Shape India's Agricultural Future

Technology has made headways into the agri sector and the country has been nothing short of innovations and new ideas trying to unlock new methods of food production to meet its growing needs and a burgeoning population.

News and Trends

Solving The Climate Crisis: One Fund At A Time

With India, it becomes that much more imperative to address the climate-change factor. The country is said to contribute close to 8% of global warming and with so much potential to ultimately reduce its carbon footprint.

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Leading the Charge: How Awfis became a Public Company in the challenging coworking space sector

Recovery from the pandemic has positioned Awfis to go public, with an IPO size of INR 577-599 crore, including INR 2 crore in employee reservation shares.

News and Trends

Enabling game-changing greatness with technology

The nation, synonymous with its entrepreneurial spirit is bringing its insight into the sports industry which screams massive potential.

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