Ray Silverstein: Page 2
Ray Silverstein is the president of PRO: President's Resource Organization , a network of peer advisory boards for small business owners. He is author of two books: The Best Secrets of Great Small Businesses and the new Small Business Survival Guide: How to Survive (and Thrive) in Tough Times . He can be reached at 1-800-818-0150 or ray@propres.com .
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Latest: Page 2
A Guide to Goal Setting
Transforming resolutions into results comes with being realistic.
Compensating Salespeople
Finding the balance between salary and commission may be your ticket to loyal, motivated sales employees.
How Do I Build Customer Rapport?
The answer is in asking the right opening and closing questions.
Finder, Minder or Grinder: What's Your Sales Style?
Salespeople are like ice cream; they come in different flavors.
How to Close a Sale in the First 30 Seconds
Tap into customers' hidden wants to win their trust--and their business.
Get More Referrals by Asking
Build asking for referrals into your daily activities and see the results.