Rob Jardine


Rob Jardine is the Head of Research and Solutions at the NeuroLeadership Institute South Africa. He specialises in helping business leaders solve human capital and leadership problems through the research into neuroscience that the NeuroLeadership Institute undertakes.



Why Your Performance Reviews Are (Probably) Biased

We're all biased. It's how our brains are wired. If we want to make the most of our careers and employees, we need to learn how to counter these unconscious biases.

Growth Strategies

To Survive and Thrive, You Need a Growth Mindset

The business case for a growth mindset is not what you think it is - if you're serious about success, you need to start believing in yourself.


Why Forcing Employees Out Of Their Comfort Zones Achieves Greatness

Diverse teams are better performing teams, but only when they are inclusive

Growth Strategies

True Disruption Begins With Your Employees - Here's How

52% of the companies on the Fortune 500 in the year 2000 no longer exist today. Simply put, they were disrupted. If you want to survive and thrive, you need to learn to be the disruptor, and that starts with your employees.

Growth Strategies

Your Habits Determine Your Chances of Success

The stats are scary. We all have goals, and yet 78% of the time those goals don't lead to a change in behaviour, which means they can't be realised. The science is clear. If you want to achieve your dreams, you need to start by changing your habits.

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