Rosalind Resnick: Page 6
Rosalind Resnick is a New York-based freelance writer, entrepreneur, investor and author of The Vest Pocket Consultant's Secrets of Small Business Success.
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Latest: Page 6
Learn to Be a Rich Woman
Real estate investor and author Kim Kiyosaki reveals what you can do to take control of your financial future.
Use Subcontractors to Build Your Business
Create a scalable business without additional overhead by hiring subcontractors to handle your extra work.
Craft Fair Tycoon
Want to turn your artistic hobby into a biz? Here's how to sell your handicrafts at art shows and craft fairs.
How to Sell at Craft Fairs and Shows
Interested in turning your artistic hobby into a business? Find out how you can make money by selling your handicrafts at art shows and craft fairs.