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Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

NFT: current stumbling blocks and challenges may lead to its democratization

In 2021 the NFT industry was a complete bomb, capturing the attention of the entire world as a rising wave of the next great revolution of internet commerce, but little by little it has begun to decline.


Cómo aprovechar correctamente las redes sociales para impulsar tu emprendimiento

Las redes sociales siguen siendo una herramienta fundamental para comunicarte con tu público objetivo. Estos consejos te ayudarán a utilizarlas correctamente.

Social Media

How to correctly take advantage of social networks to boost your business

Social networks continue to be a fundamental tool to communicate with your target audience. These tips will help you use them correctly.


Las características e importancia del liderazgo orientado en las personas

Si las crisis son una oportunidad de repensar y transformar las cosas que anteriormente parecían funcionar a la perfección, es buen momento para reflexionar sobre el líder moderno.


Characteristics and importance of people-oriented leadership

If crises are an opportunity to rethink and transform things that previously seemed to work perfectly, it is a good time to reflect on the modern leader.