Steve Blank


Steve Blank is a professor of entrepreneurship and former serial entrepreneur. His latest book is The Startup Owner's Manual.

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Thought Leaders

Advice Is a Gift and You Should Treat It That Way

When someone offers to help, just say thank you.


When You're a Leader, Everything You Do Has an Impact

Your team members take cues from what you say and do -- but also subtle signals, like what you wear.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Working Hard Is Not the Same as Working Smart

The number of hours an employee works in a day does not equal how effective they are.

Starting a Business

Strategy Is Not a To-Do List

Don't simply go through the motions of customer development. You should have a deep understanding of the purpose behind it.


How to Create an Elevator Pitch That Will Get You Funded

Tip: Don't explain your startup like it's your PhD dissertation.


Why Admitting Your Mistakes Will Make You a Better Leader

I was always aggressive and relentless -- until a series of Zen-like moments helped me move to a different level that changed how I operated.

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