Steve Jones
Steve Jones has spent 30 years in the music business, and is the author of two business books based on his experiences, Start You Up: Rock Star Secrets To Unleash Your Personal Brand and Set Your Career on Fire and Brand Like a Rock Star: Lessons From Rock ‘n’ Roll To Make Your Business Rich and Famous. Steve blogs about the link between music and business at www.startyouupbook.com.
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Sell Like a (Literal) Rock Star With These 5 Takeaways
Use these lessons from some of the biggest acts in music to up your game with your clients.
Make a Positive Impression on the World, and Make Money Doing It
The mind behind the UK's best-selling single of all time teaches us that doing good can be profitable, as long as you're willing.
No Brown M&M's: What Van Halen's Insane Contract Clause Teaches Entrepreneurs
What was thought of a case of rock star excess actually provides a powerful business lesson.
Big Business Lessons From Three Rock 'n' Roll Legends
Nearly every successful startup shares three common traits with music stars.
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