Steven C. Bahls

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Growing a Business

Word Games

Beware of ambiguous language in your contracts, and you'll avoid the headache of court battles.

Growing a Business

Witness Protection

What will a new whistle-blower clause mean to you and the way you do business?

Operations & Logistics

Fire Proof

A thorough investigation is the only way to build a case against problem employees.

Growing a Business

Law of the Land

Government interest in your property could bring business to a screeching halt. Know how to work the system for the best deal.

Growing a Business

Stay-In Contract

Drawing up employment contracts can help retain key employees and protect your trade secrets-but beware of the drawbacks.

Growing a Business

Safe Harbor

As if it weren't bad enough to have someone "go postal" at your workplace, you can be held liable for the injury and death.

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