Kelly Hyman

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Kelly Hyman has been called "a modern day Erin Brockovich" by Forbes. Hyman has appeared numerous times on Law & Crime, Court TV and Fox@night. She is a TV legal analyst and democratic political commentator, and as an attorney, Hyman focuses on class actions and mass tort litigation.

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5 Things to Do (and 1 Thing to Avoid) to Reach Your Entrepreneurial Goals in 2025

To start the new year out strong and reset your expectations, here are five things to do now and one thing to avoid to reach the goals you've laid out for the months ahead.


Tomar descansos no te hace flojo: aquí hay 4 maneras en las que en realidad te vuelven más productivo

Una vez que encuentres el equilibrio entre el trabajo y tu vida personal, verás cómo se integran de manera natural y lograrás una rutina balanceada. Así es como puedes llegar al equilibrio óptimo para ti.


Taking Breaks Doesn't Make You Lazy — Here Are 4 Ways It Actually Makes You More Productive

The more you find a balance between work and real life, the more the two will start to organically intertwine until you find your scheduling sweet spot. Here's how to find that right balance for you.

Mujeres emprendedoras

3 maneras en las que la IA puede ayudar a los humanos (y cómo puede lastimarnos)

Los líderes empresariales deben conocer los posibles inconvenientes de la IA antes de sumergirse de lleno en ella.

Science & Technology

3 Ways AI Can Make Humans Better (and How it Can Hurt Us)

Business leaders should know the potential drawbacks of AI before diving in head first.


No serás un emprendedor exitoso hasta que adoptes estos 3 hábitos

¡Ser emprendedor es un maratón, no una carrera de velocidad!

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