Tim Berry: Page 5

Entrepreneur, Business Planner and Angel Investor

Tim Berry is the chairman of Eugene, Ore.-Palo Alto Software, which produces business-planning software. He founded Bplans.com and wrote The Plan-As-You-Go Business Plan, published by Entrepreneur Press. Berry is also a co-founder of HavePresence.com, a leader in a local angel-investment group and a judge of international business-plan competitions.

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Latest: Page 5

Starting a Business

10 Critical Cash Flow Rules

Protect your business from a common cause of failure by following these cash management tips.

Starting a Business

Don't Give Away Ownership Easily

Unfortunately, you can't always retain full ownership of your company. If that's the case, here are some potential hazards to watch out for.

Starting a Business

The Perils of Step-by-Step Planning

This strategy is a good start, but you need to be realistic about its long-term effectiveness.

Starting a Business

Be Realistic About Startup Financing

Great idea, no money and no investors. No problem? Think again.

Starting a Business

Use SWOT to Kick-start Your Planning

Getting key players involved and brainstorming could be what your company needs to get to the next level.

Starting a Business

Building a Strategy Pyramid

Need help implementing your ideas? This approach may provide you with the structure you need.