Tor Constantino: Page 4


Tor Constantino is a former journalist, consultant and current corporate comms executive with an MBA degree and 25+ years of experience. His writing has appeared across the web on Entrepreneur, Forbes, Fortune and Yahoo!. Tor's views are his own and do not reflect those of his current employer.

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Latest: Page 4


Which of the 6 Leadership Styles Defines You?

There is often a difference between how leaders see themselves and how their teams see them.


4 Signs You Have Room to Improve As a Leader

The biggest difference better goods leaders and the failures is the good ones know what they need to improve.


4 Ways to Get Positive Results From Uncomfortable Conversations

Business, and adult life generally, requires talking about a lot more than what you did last weekend.


Shocking Allegations Against Global Ad Agency CEO Detail Everything You Don't Want Your Office to Be

Gustavo Martinez, CEO of J. Walter Thompson, denies charges of racism and misogyny brought in a lawsuit by a top staffer. The allegations, if proved, epitomize what is meant by 'hostile work environment.'


3 Reputation Lessons From Peyton Manning's NFL Retirement

The legendary quarterback's career was exemplary off the field, as well.


5 Marketing Takeaways From Trump's Campaign

Content is important but stop thinking it's king. Timing, context and presentation can win attention regardless of message.