Tor Constantino: Page 7


Tor Constantino is a former journalist, consultant and current corporate comms executive with an MBA degree and 25+ years of experience. His writing has appeared across the web on Entrepreneur, Forbes, Fortune and Yahoo!. Tor's views are his own and do not reflect those of his current employer.

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Latest: Page 7

Growing a Business

3 Principles of Video Games That Can Make You a Better Entrepreneur

Don't dismiss this popular and growing medium as a waste of time, they hold the potential to boost the skills you need to succeed.


5 Tips on How to Talk Like a Boss

If you want to position yourself as a leader, avoid these verbal crutches and throwaway phrases.


When You Make Your List of Savviest Marketers, Put the Girl Scouts at the Top

The success of the Girl Scouts' selling diet-busting boxes of cookies, year after year for generations, rates as one of the best marketing programs ever.


The 3 Ways Leadership Is the Opposite of What Most People Think

Leaders don't succeed by barking orders and imposing their will but by delegating, trusting and taking responsibility.

Growing a Business

The 3 Essentials Customers Want Most

Few businesses sell anything the customer can't buy somewhere else but customers who feel acknowledged and valued are less likely to shop around.


These 4 Phrases Are Sure Signs Your Team Isn't at Peak Productivity

Listening to your team, and yourself, reveals the deepest attitudes that lead to growth or keep us locked in our comfort zone.