Tugba Yanaz

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Tugba Yanaz is a PCC-certified leadership coach, Fortune 500 executive, and founder of LEAD + VISION, guiding leaders to build high-performing teams and unshakable inner confidence. Download her free ebook on the 8 steps to building unshakable confidence at https://ebook.leadbyvision.com.

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Soy coach de liderazgo: este es el ejercicio mental que todo CEO debe de hacer cuando se sienta agotado

Un ejercicio simple pero poderoso para ayudar a los líderes a recargar energía y cultivar el autocuidado, la resiliencia y la compasión por ellos mismos y por los demás.


I'm a Leadership Coach — Here's the One Mental Exercise Every CEO Needs to Try When They're Feeling Drained

Here's a simple, powerful exercise to help leaders refill their own "container" and cultivate self-care, resilience and compassion for themselves and others.


7 Empowering Strategies for Leaders Transitioning to New Roles

Discover seven essential strategies to transition into a new leadership role with confidence.


Aquí tienes 12 maneras de cultivar y mejorar tu visión de liderazgo

Descubre cómo el liderazgo visionario puede impulsar a tu organización a nuevas alturas. Aprende doce estrategias para cultivar y mejorar tu visión de liderazgo, incluyendo la autorreflexión, la curiosidad y la comunicación efectiva.


Are You a Visionary Leader? Here are 12 Ways to Cultivate and Enhance Your Leadership Vision

Discover how visionary leadership can propel your organization to new heights. Learn 12 strategies to cultivate and enhance your leadership vision, including self-reflection, curiosity and effective communication.


6 Time Management Hacks to Regain Your Energy

Learn about theses six powerful time management strategies you can implement in a hybrid or remote workplace.

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