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15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants Beyond common sense, these suggestions outline the more nuanced details when eating at nicer restaurants.

By Megan Willett

This story originally appeared on Business Insider

Some restaurant etiquette is just common sense: Don't speak when your mouth is full, don't tell rude jokes during the meal, and always cover your mouth when you cough.

Others can be a bit more nuanced. Who pays after a business meal? Where do you put your napkin when you stand? And how exactly does one order the perfect bottle of wine?

In honor of National Etiquette Week and our just-published list of the 45 best restaurants in America, we decided to clear up some common etiquette questions.

Patricia Napier-Fitzpatrick of The Etiquette School of New York and author of "The Art of the Meal: Simple Etiquette for Simply Everyone" shared some guidelines for dining at expensive restaurants.

DO always dress nicely.

"I still believe men should wear jackets to dinner, if not a suit," Napier-Fitzpatrick said. "If a man is dining with clients -- and especially clients from other countries which tend to be more formal -- they should wear a jacket and a tie."

"Women should be wearing a dress or suit, and shoes instead of sandals."

DON'T put your cellphone, keys, or purse on the table.

15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants
Image credit: Flickr/Lordcolus

It's just common sense. It distracts not only your other dining companions, but also your waiter and the entire restaurant.

DO let your guest order first.

15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants
Image credit: Shutterstock

"The host, especially if it's a woman, has to make it clear that he or she is the host," Napier-Fitzpatrick told us.

"Say phrases like, 'Will you please bring my guest...' or 'My guest would like to order first' to ward off confusion."

DO set up payment ahead of time if you're the host.

"A savvy host knows to give their credit card before they sit down, or even call the restaurant ahead of time," Napier-Fitzpatrick explained. "I tell that especially to women who travel to other countries that are very male-dominated."

"Also, the person who invites is the person who pays."

DON'T tell the sommelier how much you want to spend on wine.

"Tell the waiter what you like, what you're having, and give them an idea of price by simply pointing to a wine in your price range," Napier-Fitzpatrick advised. "The waiter will know to stick within that price point."

"I also tell people not to pretend you're a wine connoisseur, because then you'll look silly. Just take a little taste of the wine when it arrives, and see how it is."

"Nine times out of 10 it's just fine."

DON'T return the wine (unless it's awful).

15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants
Image credit: Bundle

"The protocol is you have to keep it even if you don't like it because they opened the bottle for you," Napier-Fitzpatrick said.

"However, if it really is awful, you don't have to keep it. Politely explain the problem to your waiter."

DO take pictures of your food, unless you're with a client.

15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants
Image credit: Flickr/nodomain1

"Everyone's starting to do that now," Napier-Fitzpatrick laughed. "If it's not distracting other restaurant patrons and you can do it discretely, I would say it's OK."

"But if I was having dinner with a client, I would not recommend it. If the client wanted to take pictures, however, I would of course let them."

DO know where to place your napkin.

15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants
Image credit: By pnoeric on Flickr

"Wait until your host makes the silent signal of placing the napkin in his or her lap before you begin eating," she said. "Then the napkin goes on your chair seat if you stand up [to use the restroom]."

"When you're finished with the meal, it goes on the left-hand side of where your plate would have been -- not folded, but neatly placed. Wait for the host to be the first to do so."

DON'T reach across the table to sample your companion's food.

15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants
Image credit: Shutterstock

"I don't recommend sharing if you're with someone you don't know very well, or if you're at a formal business meal," she warned.

"If you're with someone you know better, pass them your bread plate with a little sample of food on it."

DON'T yell to your waiter.

"Try to make eye contact with your waiter," Napier-Fitzpatrick advised.

"If that doesn't work, put up your right hand with your index finger raised slightly to get their attention."

DO send back food that's not cooked properly.

15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants
Image credit: Marshall Astor - Food Fetishist via www.flickr.com Creative Commons

"If you are with other people and you have to send your food back, it's your responsibility to tell everyone to go ahead and start without you," Napier-Fitzpatrick said.

"And if I'm the host, I suffer and eat my meal even if it's not cooked the way I want rather than have everybody have to wait for me or feel bad."

DO order the same number of courses as your companion.

15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants
Image credit: Rose_Zhang on Flickr

This avoids awkwardness and allows you to pace yourself with the other person.

Make sure to take your time eating and pause after every few bites -- especially if you're the host, since you don't want to make your guest feel rushed during the meal.

DON'T place your utensils on the side of your plate when you're done eating.

15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants

"We call it a silent service code for the wait staff," Napier-Fitzpatrick said. "When you're finished, place the knife and fork together at the 10:20 position on the plate."

"Place the fork up because in the American style you eat with the tines up."

Here's a good example.

DON'T start a business conversation before the conclusion of the entrée.

15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants

"Business should not be discussed until the meal has been cleared away," Napier-Fitzpatrick warned.

"Also, generally avoid complaining about business colleagues and work during the meal."

And DO remember your table manners!

15 Etiquette Rules for Dining at Fancy Restaurants
Image credit: Bizarre Foods America
  • Wipe your fingers and mouth often with your napkin.
  • Cut one piece of meat or fish at a time on your plate and eat it before cutting the next one.
  • Butter bread on your plate, never in midair.
  • Look into (not over) the cup or glass when drinking.
  • Sit up straight, and keep your arms (including elbows) off the table.

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Megan is a reporter for Business Insider's lifestyle section, The Life. She is a graduate of Wellesley College, and a Minnesotan who enjoys New York City's mild winters.

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